Whether “on-prem” or in the cloud: baliosoft supports Migros with Microsoft-based process optimisation

The partnership began in 2011 with classic Microsoft services: Share­Point support, migra­tions and the imple­men­tation of Nintex-based individual solutions. For the devel­opment of koMpass, Migros Lucerne’s first intranet solution, as well as the front-end, the koMpass mobile app, baliosoft used bs one: portal and bs one: companion for fast and efficient imple­men­tation. In addition, various customised solutions, e.g. in the areas of quality management and staff devel­opment, were imple­mented for Migros Lucerne with the help of baliosoft technology. In 2022, a group-wide infor­mation and commu­ni­cation platform based on Microsoft 365 and Teams was intro­duced across the Feder­ation of Migros Cooper­a­tives, which also uses baliosoft product components.

In addition to super­markets, the Migros Lucerne Cooper­ative also includes business areas such as logistics, production, construction, real estate and gastronomy. In order to keep all employees compre­hen­sively informed and to ensure smooth cooper­ation in cross-location teams, Migros Lucerne opted for a Microsoft-based intranet and collab­o­ration solution at an early stage.

Patrick Radstedter Leiter IT-Infrastruktur

As we had no own expertise, we were dependent on a competent partner who could deliver reliably and at a fair price. At baliosoft, decisions are made quickly and easily. Thanks to good personal relation­ships, you feel like a customer, not a number. The long-standing collab­o­ration has paid off for us, now the cooper­ative feder­ation benefits from this expertise.

Patrick Rastedter, Head of IT-Infrastructure
Genossenschaft Migros Luzern Logo

Whether products or services: require­ments are imple­mented efficiently

The core problems

  • Support in the operation of Microsoft technologies such as Share­Point or MS365

  • Estab­lishment of a commu­ni­cation structure for all employees and locations

  • IT-supported optimi­sation of collaboration

The benefits

  • Technical environment always up to date

  • Sound expertise without having to train your own employees

  • Cost-efficient imple­men­tation of the intranet and collab­o­ration infrastructure

  • Ensured inter­nally before exter­nally: Timely commu­ni­cation with everyone in the company

  • Facil­i­tated commu­ni­cation — e.g. through Telephone Book — especially for off-site employees

The imple­men­tation

  • baliosoft as an IT service provider from the set-up to the disman­tling of infrastructure

  • Imple­men­tation of intranet, collab­o­ration and individual solutions based on baliosoft modules, Microsoft technology and Nintex

  • Imple­men­tation of the koMpass app

bs one modules used

bs one: portal Software Logo

bs one: portal

bs one: workplace Software Logo

bs one: workplace

bs one: company Software Logo

bs one: companion

Employee commu­ni­cation with koMpass and bs one

As baliosoft had been respon­sible for Share­Point migra­tions for years and was known for its compe­tence, the company was commis­sioned to implement the intranet platform koMpass on its own servers. koMpass was created with the help of bs one: portal, which could be adapted to the speci­fi­ca­tions with little effort. Within koMpass, bs one: workplace functions were made available, which made it simpler for teams to collab­orate. From 2018 to 2022, the “koMpass app” also provided all employees with important news. Messages that shape the corporate culture and encourage partic­i­pation were also distributed, such as service anniver­saries, the CEO’s Christmas message or internal raffles. Whether at the checkout, on the construction site, in the truck or in the office: everyone was supplied with relevant infor­mation at the same time. Even alumni were not excluded from the flow of information.

Lisa Savenberg Projektleiterin Kommunikation bei Migros Luzern

Before the intro­duction of the koMpass app, it was difficult for us in corporate commu­ni­ca­tions to reach all employees in a timely manner. A lot has changed inter­nally with the app. Many people were partic­u­larly enthu­si­astic after the last release, which features a very modern interface. It’s a really important tool for our flow of information.

Lisa Savenberg, Project Manager Commu­ni­cation at Migros Lucerne

This is how Lisa Savenberg describes the benefits of the app, which was created with the help of bs one: companion. Microsoft and Nintex-based workflow solutions were developed to optimise work processes in the areas of quality management and staff devel­opment. Some were also taken over by other cooperatives.

Mature function­ality — on-premises and in the cloud

In 2022, the Feder­ation of Migros Cooper­a­tives made the strategic decision to implement an intranet, collab­o­ration and employee app in an MS365 environment in combi­nation with MS Teams. baliosoft also supported Migros Lucerne in the migration of koMpass to the new central, cloud-based intranet solution, which has been live since 2 November 2022.

However, Migros Lucerne does not have to forego all the familiar bs one functions. Compo­nents of the baliosoft products such as the search function, tagging or bread­crumbs are also used in the global intranet of the Feder­ation of Migros Cooper­a­tives. “We were able to keep our existing logic and working methods, those respon­sible for the sites did not have to be retrained from scratch. Now we have a good mix: a lot of standard features of the national system, which saves us support, and at the same time the special features that we integrated together with baliosoft. And all of this was not only imple­mented with a reasonable cost/benefit ratio, but also on schedule. baliosoft supported us very well”, Lisa Savenberg summarises her experiences.

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