baliosoft in a nutshell

Sophis­ti­cated Microsoft-based products, innov­ative solutions and cost-effective imple­men­tation for the workplaces of the future.

bs one – the digital entry into your organisation!

Microsoft 365, along with Office, Share­Point, Teams and Outlook, has become an integral part of business. The bs one product family not only optimises their use, but also creates a customised digital workplace for every employee — under a uniform, intuitively under­standable interface. Whether individ­ually or in a team — your employees can work more productively.

bs one product family

Services for efficient IT-supported work processes

Digital workplaces embedded in your processes will be indis­pensable for efficient opera­tions in the near future. As a certified gold partner for Microsoft, we ensure that this embedding is seamless. Regardless of the platform, our service team doesn’t just ensure the smooth imple­men­tation of bs one. We advise you on the conception of individual solutions and implement them for you.

Whether with Microsoft 365, MS Share­Point, MS Teams, MS Azure or Nintex: we make sure that your require­ments are turned into quick and cost-effective solutions. In addition to consulting and imple­men­tation, our service portfolio also covers migra­tions to the cloud as well as quali­fi­cation and training of your employees.

baliosoft services

Why baliosoft? Why bs one?

Peter Hartl

Due to many years of experience, baliosoft is very familiar with the strengths, but also the weaknesses, of Microsoft technology. Share­Point is perfectly integrated in the MS world, but only covers around 50% of our require­ments. bs one allows us the full function­ality of Share­Point, so we were able to digitally map essential work processes quickly, with little effort and without interface problems.

Peter Hartl, CEO & Managing Director, Synaforce GmbH, the whole story
Patrick Radstedter Leiter IT-Infrastruktur

Since we had no expertise, we had to rely on a competent partner who could deliver reliably and at a fair price. At baliosoft, decisions are made quickly and easily. Thanks to good personal relation­ships, you feel like a customer, not a number. The long-standing collab­o­ration has paid off for us, now the cooper­ative feder­ation benefits from this expertise.

Patrick Rastedter, Head of IT-Infra­structure, Migros Lucerne, the whole story

baliosoft blog

Teams — First steps

I would like to introduce you to Kathrin. Kathrin works in a medium-sized company called Spectrum Inc and has a computer department that […]

How important is success to you?

With MS Share­Point you can success­fully redesign today’s commu­ni­cation and collaboration.

Teamwork, that works

Efficient work processes for your organ­i­sation, depart­ments and projects with MS Teams.

The digital entry into your organisation!

Individ­ually tailored and at the same time intuitively under­standable for everyone – the digital workplace with bs one.

We are growing internationally

Imple­menting customer require­ments more produc­tively – together as a joint venture: baliosoft AG and Viaan Technologies.

What are the advan­tages of working with baliosoft?

  • Our team of IT experts is flexibly available to you.

  • When necessary, we can ensure 24/7 system operation and provide around-the-clock support.

  • You can utilise our innova­tions for your work processes — risk-free.

  • We guarantee the efficient imple­men­tation of business and technical requirements.

  • Prompt and reliable upgrades and updates of your platform ensure the opera­tional security of your IT.

  • You receive continuous support in every phase of software development.

Any questions?