All speak about good collab­o­ration and smooth work processes thanks to digital­ization of the working world — but often reality is quite different. Especially employees in distributed teams — whether due to the increasing number of home office workplaces — complain about insuf­fi­cient infor­mation and commu­ni­cation problems, which lead to issues in projects.

Whether using Zoom, Jitsi, or profes­sionally with Microsoft Teams: even regular online meetings cannot compensate for these deficiencies. Share­Point-based appli­ca­tions offer positive solution approaches, but they are usually expensive to implement and maintain and require extensive integration into the existing appli­cation world. For smaller companies, this repre­sents a signif­icant financial burden, not to mention the lack of experi­enced IT staff.”

What to do?

The answer? bs one: portal!


bs one: portal for Infor­mation & Commu­ni­cation, Processes & Appli­ca­tions under one interface, fully integrated into Microsoft 365. It can be quickly put into opera­tions and is easy for all employees to handle. The costs are also affordable for small business.

The virtual corporate center offers every employee access to their daily work routine. Besides current internal infor­mation, knowledge database, and document management as the foundation for successful collab­o­ration. It serves as a commu­ni­cation platform for your teams — thanks to social media function­ality — regardless of whether they are located at one site, in the home office, or globally distributed working on common tasks.

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